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Linguistic Databases Registry

Última Atualização: Quinta, 24 Agosto 2023 11:44 | Acessos: 2254


Why should you register in our databases?

  • You will be notified through the informed email when modules, workshops, or study groups compatible with your proficiency level are offered in your language(s) of interest. 

  • The mapping of proficiency levels is vital for better understanding our community's demands and how to best meet them in future offerings.  


Registration on the respective language database is necessary to participate in the selection processes for our modules, workshops, and study groups! 


Register in the links below:


In case of questions or problems with the registration forms, please contact us through Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo. 



ATTENTION:  Registering in the linguistic databases does not automatically grant access to the courses; it is still necessary to enroll and participate in the selection processes as they are established by the publication of the public notice documents each quarter. To see a complete index of already published public notice documents you can access our courses schedule.  



Understanding the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) was developed by the European Council, in conjunction with the University of Cambridge, to establish international linguistic ability parameters for foreign language speakers. It comprises written comprehension, written production, oral comprehension, and oral production. 

In this framework, language learning is divided into six levels: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, and C2. 

For the language education programs run by NETEL, the reference descriptions for each of these levels are the following:

Beginner - Can inform and ask for the date and time and use basic greeting structures; can fill out basic forms with personal information such as name, nationality, civil state, etc. 

Elementary (CEFR A1) - Can comprehend and use everyday idioms and simple sentences to satisfy concrete needs; can introduce themselves and others, ask questions and give answers about personal aspects such as place of living, common acquaintances, and personal belongings; can communicate autonomously if the speaker talks slowly and clearly.  

Pre-intermediate (CEFR A2) - Can comprehend isolated sentences and frequent expressions related to areas of immediate priority; can communicate direct information about familiar subjects in the execution of simple and daily tasks; can briefly describe their surroundings and talk about their education.  

Intermediate (CEFR B1) - Can fully comprehend the main points of conversations on familiar topics when clear and standard language is used; can handle most interactions encountered in the region when the language is spoken; can elaborate simple and coherent speeches on topics of interest and familiar subjects; can describe experiences, events, dreams, hopes, and dreams, as well as briefly expose and justify opinions and beliefs. 

Post-intermediate (CEFR B2) -  Can comprehend the main concepts of complex texts on concrete and abstract subjects, including technical discussions on their area of expertise. Can communicate with a certain degree of spontaneity with native speakers, without tension. Can express themselves clearly and with details on a wide variety of themes, as well as explain their own point of view, listing advantages, disadvantages, and numerous possibilities. 

Advanced (CEFR C1) - Can comprehend long and demanding texts, recognizing implicit meanings and subtext. Can express themselves spontaneously and fluently without researching vocabulary. Can use the language flexibly e effectively for social, academic, and professional purposes. Can express opinions on complex themes clearly and concisely, dominating structure mechanisms, articulation, and cohesion.

Upper-advanced (CEFR C2) - Can comprehend virtually everything they hear and read. Can synthesize information gathered from multiples sources, both oral and written, constructing solid and coherent arguments. Can express themselves spontaneously and fluently with great precision, as well as critically comprehend fine variations of meaning in complex situations. 


Registrado em: Idiomas
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